Hi there! Do you have experience working with students from China?

Mel Preimesberger
Mel Preimesberger  replied:

Yes, I do have experience working with Chinese Students.  I have had the opportunity to travel to various cities throughout China twice in the past 2 years to share with audiences of selected students and their parents information regarding the US College Application Process.  In addition, last summer I planned and accompanied a Chinese student on a week-long  USC College Tour.  That student's visit to the USC culminated with a high school summer program at UC Berkley.  Along with researching and locating the program, I offered advisement during their application process.  I am also a member of International Association for College Admission Counseling (IACAC)

Mel Preimesberger
Mel Preimesberger  replied:

Yes, I do have experience working with Chinese Students.  I have had the opportunity to travel to various cities throughout China twice in the past 2 years to share with audiences of selected students and their parents information regarding the US College Application Process.  In addition, last summer I planned and accompanied a Chinese student on a week-long  USC College Tour.  That student's visit to the USC culminated with a high school summer program at UC Berkley.  Along with researching and locating the program, I offered advisement during their application process.  I am also a member of International Association for College Admission Counseling (IACAC)